Mysterious musical collective SLEEP TOKEN release dark cover of OUTKAST classic 'Hey Ya'

Mysterious collective Sleep Token have released their unique take on OutKast's classic 'Hey Ya', continuing their tradition of uncategorisable, genre-challenging videos. 

Listen to their version of 'Hey Ya' here:

Sleep Token are a masked anonymous group of musicians united by their worship of an ancient deity - crudely dubbed 'Sleep' as no modern tongue can properly express its name.

'Sleep' lurks in the subconscious minds of man, woman, and child alike. Fragments of beauty, horror, anguish, pain, happiness, joy, anger, disgust, and fear coalesce to create expansive, emotionally textured music that simultaneously embodies the darkest, and the brightest abstract thoughts.

Sleep Token are led by the tormented and talented Vessel and combine the emotional, dulcet tones of post-rock, the expansive atmosphere of cinematic scores, the hooks of indie pop, and the crushing, suffocating grooves of metal. Their first track 'Thread The Needle' debuted at and is available to watch here:

Sleep Token on Bandcamp:
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Catch Sleep Token playing this year's UK Tech-Metal Fest, with news of a debut live show (or shows) forthcoming...

Hold Tight!